• 559 Edgewood Pl Whitefish, MT 59937

Out With The Old, In With The New: Welcome To The Nest

Welcome to The Nest

Welcome to “The Nest”

Hey ya’ll! Dr. Jordan (and Dr. Pete) here!! I know you haven’t really heard much from us via this format in a long time (or really ever for that matter) – BUT that’s about to change!

I want to start out with being transparent, the media that we’ve sent out to you in the past was chock full of great information that is absolutely in alignment with what we preach in the office, butttttt…..it just didn’t feel like us. Not only because we weren’t the ones actually writing it, but we felt like it didn’t feel authentic.

SOOO….from here on out, every email you get from us is directly from the mind and typing fingers of yours truly. Starting at the new year, at least TWO times a month, you’ll be getting handcrafted education in the form of email, directly to your inbox.

We want these emails to ADD VALUE to your life.

We want these emails to be an extension of the amazing conversations we’re already having in the office.

We want these emails to potentially spark conversation and change in your OWN lives

But most importantly…

We want these emails to feel like we’re walking through this journey alongside you, and helping to bring connection & vulnerability with the sticky topics that come up in our health (and lives in general!)

Essentially, when you open these emails, we want it to feel like you’re sitting down for
coffee with a good friend, having a great conversation, and leaving feeling better than
you came.

SO, from here on out – get ready for conversation GALORE, about all things health & wellness. Some topics may seem a little controversial, but honestly those are the topics that need to be talked about the most!! They’re the topics that you may feel uncomfortable bringing up face to face in the office – and these emails will help to bridge the imaginary gap, and provide information in a gentle & loving way.

In typical Dr. Jordan fashion, they’ll probably be too long, and have LOTS of information to digest. The dialogue will be more open and conversational and less professionally published boring journals (thank goodness). And in addition to the many topics we’ll be diving into, we’ll also sprinkle in some fun things we’re up to locally, interesting reads, and things we’re learning in general as we walk through life together.

So GEAR UP!! And get ready for what’s ahead – we can’t wait!!! A sneak peak into some of the topics we’ll be hitting….?

Is My Probiotic Actually Working? How to Approach Gut Health Realistically & Effectively

Hydration Myths – How to TRULY Get & Stay Hydrated (Hint: It’s Not By Drinking MORE Water!)

How Coffee & Breakfast Impact Our Health – All Things Metabolism & Stress Response

How Much Sleep Do Women Really Need? Unpacking Sleep, Hormones, & Cortisol

Why Walking is the MOST Underrated Tool: an Ode to Simplicity

So alas, I’m finally finishing up this email with a super exciting and NECESSARY ask. In order to serve YOU best, we need to know what YOU specifically want to learn about. The questions that YOU need answered. I’m on a fact finding mission, and I NEED your help. (helpers will be rewarded!!!)

When it comes to your or your child’s overall wellness, what is your single greatest challenge that you’re experiencing right now?

Hit REPLY directly to this email, and answer with as much detail as possible.

If you do reply, you’ll be entered to win an $150 Visa Gift Card – to use on WHATEVER you may be wanting at the moment!! Who doesn’t want that?!?! Winner will be announced on February 1st, and we’ll directly reach out to you.

Here’s to the future conversations that will help to cultivate the lives you’re building, we can’t wait to grow together.

Here for you always,
Dr. Jordan & Dr. Pete